Cupper Drive # 2 | Cul de Sac | Sint Maarten
Caring, Learning, Achieving, Excelling

”​Be excellent. Own it. Live it. Once again, I welcome you warmly to our St. Maarten Academy family!
Do have a successful school year.
The St. Maarten Academy is an independent Secondary School located on the Island of St. Maarten, Dutch West Indies.
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
Intelligence plus character - that is true education.”
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ~
We expect great things from our students, and we expect great things from you. Our job in
leadership is to enable you to empower students. We want you to have the tools and resources
you need to do great things. While we may not be able to provide everything you’d like, we feel
responsible for doing all we can to support you. On that note, I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the Board for building two classrooms and two office spaces during the summer,
as an intermediate solution, until we embark on the projected expansion of our school. Thank you for placing your trust in me and
my Management Team this past year. I was inspired by your excitement, your ideas, and your hard work down to the very end of the school year.
Great things happen when we work together. We have established a line of communication with CXC, exchanged information and came up with a strategic plan with PSVE English, Math and Student Care department to ease the transition of students to the Academic section, we’ve expanded our subject selections to include Geography and Principles of Business, we’ve raised the bar in terms of our final assessments, we’ve gotten some CAPE and CXC training, we did an off island field trip, we established an appeal’s committee, structured our book return, and had a great overall student promotion rate (Forms 1-4) of an average of 84%, to name a few accomplishments this past year.
Teachers, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Last year, was just the beginning of our efforts together to build a stronger foundation for our school, the St. Maarten Academy
school. Moving forward, we will distinguish ourselves in the community, as the school to choose if you want an excellent education, that not only encompasses academic success, but the kind of school that produces leaders, leaders that exemplify honesty, integrity, love for self and others, and the courage to lead. Being an educator is bigger than you and me, it is a calling, and we have a responsibility to shape the future.
With the recent escalation of crime and blatant disregard for life, it is clear, St. Maarten has come to an inflection point. It has shocked all of us, who lived here at a time when you could leave your home and car unlocked with the windows open and not worry. We have paid the ultimate price as a society, and my heart and prayers go out to the family of officer Benjamin.
What we do from here on will be telling. We as educators have an incredible opportunity to shape our citizens and to do our part in training our future leaders. We have reached a moment from which can emerge a great society within one generation. I contend, that it depends on us, on our inspired leadership.
About four years ago, when we became country, we introduced Civics as a subject, with the goal in mind to make sure that our students learn about all the arms in government and how government functions. I dare go one step further and say we are in the business of educating our future electorate. This past academic year, our Board took the bold step to offer CAPE to our students, so that those that were not able to leave the island or wanted to cut down on cost for a tertiary education, could now get there Caribbean Associate’s degree or be in better standing when entering the workforce.
In offering CAPE, we learnt that we have to teach our students differently. We will no longer teach students so that they can merely memorize information and repeat it back to us. We must teach students to think critically, to be analytical and concerned about social issues.
I present to you the new graduate of the St. Maarten Academy. A graduate of the Academy, has the ability to confront problems, complex problems, think critically and analytically and design solutions to those problems. The ability to create, so more of a producer
and less of a consumer. A graduate of the Academy must leave us, not with a sense of entitlement, but with a sense of responsibility, a love for humanity and integrity.
A tall order, I know, but it is not impossible. We must be intentional about educating our future leaders.
In the words of Rita Pierson, “We are educators, we are born to make a difference.
Mrs. Kim Lucas-Felix
Acting Principal
St. Maarten Academy is committed to excellence in scholastic achievement, social development, self-discipline, sound morals and values practised by responsible and successful citizens.