Cupper Drive # 2 | Cul de Sac | Sint Maarten
Caring, Learning, Achieving, Excelling
Opening times
from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
IT Support
Raise a ticket
The easiest way to raise a support ticket is by clicking on the image to the left and login in with you network username and password. Alternatively, You can email us your queries on 'techsupport@stmaartenacademy.com'. However, if your issue is of a business critical nature that requires urgent attention visit us at the IT support LAB.
When emailing your IT support issue, please include your name, contact details and clearly state the issue that you are experiencing.
Where a number of separate issues may be occurring, we would encourage you to send separate emails detailing them individually. By doing this, it helps us to effectively track and manage individual issues.
Please provide as much of the following information when emailing or calling to report an issue.
Nature of the problem.
Software error messages and codes (these can be screen grabs)
Let us know if anyone else is experiencing the same issue (if any)
If the issue occurred whilst working remotely (such as a satellite office) let us know where and when the issue took place
The time and frequency of the issue