Cupper Drive # 2 | Cul de Sac | Sint Maarten
Caring, Learning, Achieving, Excelling

The St. Maarten Academy is an independent Secondary School located on the Island of St. Maarten, Dutch West Indies.
Registration Deadline: The deadline to register for the 2021/2022 school year ends on June 18, 2021.
Our School Curriculum
During the first two years, all students are expected to pursue a common programme . The St. Maarten Academy offers the following subjects for students of Forms I and II:
English Language and Literature
Integrated Science
Agricultural Science
Social Studies
Guidance & Mentoring
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Information Technology
During the final three years, students are allowed to choose profiles depending on their ability and future career choices. These profiles are:
Economy and Society
Students who select the Science package when moving from Form 2 to Form 3 will be screened by the Math and Integrated Science teachers for eligibility to enter the Science programme.
Common Program
English Language
Information Technology
French or Spanish
Physical Education
Science, Economy & Society (Business), Culture & Society
Physics, Social Studies
Chemistry, Integrated Science
Biology, Principles of Business or History
Social Studies, Principles of Accounts, Visual Arts or Music, History or Geography Spanish or French
Students may choose ONE of the following:
Visual Arts
The subjects in these profiles will be presented to parents and students at appropriate times of the year to allow students, in consultation with their parents and teachers, to choose the profile most suitable for their future.
Promotion Requirements and Passing Grade Basis for Norms:
The norms for the Academy’s promotion requirement are based on the following principles:
The principles regarding the promotion norms apply to the final year-end grades.
All subjects are included in the assessment process.
All subjects carry equal weight.
The teacher uses a scale of grades from 0 to 100% to express his/her evaluation of the student’s knowledge and acquired skills in a particular subject. Grades are rounded off to whole numbers.
The final year-end grade is calculated according to the following scale:
Passing Grades Failing Grades
A+ 96-100% C-- 56 - 59%
A 91 - 95% D+ 51 - 55%
A-- 86 - 90% D 46 - 50%
B+ 81 - 85% D-- 41 - 45%
B 76 - 80% F 0 - 40%
C+ 66 - 70%
C 60 - 65%
Promotion from the one class to the other class is based on the student’s ability to attain the required number of passes for promotion.
They are:
Promotion requirements from Form 1 to Form 2, Form 2 to Form 3 are:
Passes in at least Ten (10) subjects, C+’s and above.
Promotion requirements from Form 3 to Form 4 are:
Passes in at least Nine (9) subjects (including P.E.), C+’s and above.
Promotion requirements from Form 4 to Form 5 are:
Passes in at least Seven (7) subjects (including P.E), C+’s and above.
At the end of Form V students take examinations with the Examination Boards:
C.X.C. – Caribbean Examinations Council.
I.G.C.S.E. – Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education.
Passing grades for the C.X.C. General Proficiency are grades 1, 2, 3 and 4.
For the I.G.C.S.E. Exams the passing grades are grades A to F.
The St. Maarten Academy has an Honour Roll System to recognise students who attain outstanding academic standards.
For a student to be on the Honour Roll, the following conditions must be satisfied:
The student must pass all subjects.
For Forms I and II, students must have at least 10 grades higher than 76 %.
For Form III, students must have at least 9 grades higher than 76 %.
For Forms IV and V, students must have at least 7 grades higher than 76 %.
A student who has achieved the Honour Roll Status will receive a special certificate from the St. Maarten Academy.
After graduation, most students of St. Maarten Academy opt to pursue tertiary education. They attend the University of St. Martin and colleges in the U.S.A., Caribbean, Holland and France.
Most colleges/universities matriculation for entry are:
At least five subjects at the General level with grades 1, 2 and 3.
The school’s counsellor provides guidance and information in terms of study financing and college selection. Also the school’s faculty and advisors organise extra-curricular workshops for S.A.T. preparation and career choices.