Cupper Drive # 2 | Cul de Sac | Sint Maarten
Caring, Learning, Achieving, Excelling
CAPE Application Period for the Academic Year 2025/2026: MARCH 15 - APRIL 30, 2025

Mrs. Doreen Edwards
Mac Intosh
CAPE Coordinator
d.edwards @stmaartenacademy.com
+1 (721) 548-3413 (Ext.411)
Achieve your full potential with CAPE
About CAPE
The Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE®) is a regionally and internationally recognised as a further university-preparatory program for high school graduates. It is designed as a two-year program taught at sixth form colleges or community colleges seeking to obtain qualifications for matriculation into higher education, as well as develop the skills needed to successfully navigate their professional and personal lives.
Apply Today!!
Areas of Specialisation
Students can pursue an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees with different specialisations. Some specialisations have up to three options. In instances where courses have options, learners must select only one. Over a duration of two years, learners will complete ten (10) units (courses), to earn an Associate Degree in one of the seven (7) specialisations:
Associate of Science
1.- Information and Communication Technology
2. Associate of Science - Mathematics
3.Associate of Science - Natural Sciences
Option 1 - Physics and Chemistry
Option 1 - Biology and Physics
Option 1 - Chemistry and Biology
Associate of Arts - Accounts
Associate of Arts - Economics
Associate of Arts - Entrepreneurship
Associate of Arts - Tourism
Programme Structure
The ten (10) units required for the associate degrees will be broken down as follows:
Six (6) units in year 1
Four (4) units in year 2
with students writing their examinations at the end of each academic year.
Credit Structure
The credit structure of the CXC®-Associate Degree is based on the minimum of 60 credit hours and has
the combination of general education, specialised/core and adjunct/supporting courses.
Curriculum components
Students will be required to complete:
1. three (3) general education units
2.four (4) core courses
3 two (2) adjunct/supporting courses
4.one (1) elective
which equates to ten (10) courses in total, and 100 credits.
Grading System
The CAPE examinations uses seven overall grades: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII in reporting candidate’s overall results along with the profile grades, A, B, C, D, E, F and G
Note: Grades I – V are considered acceptable Grades for further study.
GRADE I Represents an excellent performance
GRADE II Represents a very good standard
of performance
GRADE III Represents a good standard
of performance
GRADE IV Represents a satisfactory
standard of performance
GRADE V Represents an acceptable
standard of performance
GRADE VI Represents a weak
standard of performance
GRADE VII Represents an unsatisfactory
standard of performance
According to World Education Services (WES), an international credential evaluation service, CAPE is comparable to GCSE A’level and International Baccalaureate (IB).
Earning a passing CAPE grade can exempt you from several equivalent courses. This in turn reduces not only the cost of your degree but also your completion time.